高二英语 Unit 5 The British Esles 知识精讲教案


高二英语 unit 5 the british esles 知识精讲教案
一. 本周教育内容:
unit 5 the british isles
二. 重点难点:
1. 单元分析及学习建议
2. 本单元重要生词和短语的用法
3. 阅读材料的难点句解释及重点结构的总结
三. 知识总结与归纳:
1. 中心话题:不列颠群岛:英国的教育文化及生活;不列颠群岛的地理概况;名人笔下的英国城市。
2. 材料:听力:了解英国的教育文化及生活。
阅读:the british isles:不列颠群岛的地理概况:位置,气候,文化,历史;语言等。
england, my england:著名作家笔下的salisbury:郊区风景;古迹,城市风貌;市民生活,贸易。
ireland—the island in the west:介绍爱尔兰的地理概况。
3. 交际:讨论“英语,汉语学习的难易”;“地理的学习方式”;“小国,岛国与大国发展速度的利弊”练习表达“同意”与“不同意”的方法。
4. 语言学习:词汇:利用构词知识和上下文语境来掌握新单词。
5. 学习建议:认真阅读课文the british isles,通过阅读2,3段学会用流利的英语描述一个地方的地理概况—地理位置,气候等。对于语法学习,尽可能多地接触有关名词性从句的例句,特别是课文中的例句。同时注意区分同位语从句和定语从句(注意连词that引导的从句在从句中的成分或与从句的关系)。

1. consist of:由……组成,相当于be made up of,但是注意consist of没有被动语态和进行时态。 
the group of eight(g8)consists of the eight richest countries in the world.
the fact that great britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.
the committee consists of ten members. 
2. in general:一般地,大体上。相当于generally; generally speaking
in general, scotland is colder throughout the year, and receives more rain.
it will make them in general less satisfied and more envious.
it is generally agreed that smoking is bad for health.
generally speaking, the more you pay for stereo equipment, the better the system.
3. basis:基础,根据,基本原则,复数形式是:bases.
in the fifth century, people from different parts of northern europe settled in england, bringing their own culture and language with them. their languages formed the basis for english.
what is the basis for your opinion ?
this series of lectures formed the basis of a new book.
4. judge:判断,评价,法官,裁判员。
don’t judge a person only on the basis of first impression.
the competition was judged by the local mayor.
注意固定短语:judging from/ by….:根据,从……上判断。
judging from his accent, he is an englishman.
judging by what everyone says about him, i’d say he has a good chance of winning.
5. namely:即,也就是;相当于:that is to say。 
